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good things come in small packages.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

so i have shifted.


now dont laugh at the creativity of my link :)

11:23 PM

Saturday, January 30, 2010

one lil' two lil' three lil' pimps.

damn damn damn!

1:21 AM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

oh godddddd i just saw a site that gossip girl ep13 will only be out on 8th march. why so long man?!?!?! i need some entertainment.

hahaha k yes i actually went to google that.

man i've been sleeping too much today. too much such that i felt lousy subsequently. stupid right.

so drinks for the past few days!!

first up, Cappucino.

frankly speaking that was my first time having a cup of cappucino at starbucks and it wasnt too bad i must say. served with a damn thick layer of foam, which is what makes a cappucino a cappucino i supposed. to me, it tasted like latte, just with thicker texture. i added a pack of sugar to it and the thing is, the sugar immediately dissolved at the foam level and not the coffee. so ya you know, ended up having the foam being super sweet and coffee being, well, as bitter as coffee. hahaha what a statement.

overall: not a bad choice! still, its a rather dull drink to me. OH AND!! never drink any of the hot drinks with the tiny straw. freakkk la i know i sound damn kuku now but ya i drank the first mouth with it and bloody hell burnt my tongue.

yes lesson learnt! again.

k make that drink for that day cos im a lil' too lazy to continue. so that is it!


11:14 PM

Friday, January 22, 2010

i wish i had the power of healing.

1:56 AM

i think aging is a rather cruel process.

zapping away your health and in exchange, returning you with increasing illnesses. removing the joy of chewing, leaving you with a set of dentures. decreasing your face value by adding on MUCH wrinkles where even the most powerful make up is of little use. replacing tasty food with colourful pills. allowing you to look at the beautiful nature around you, only to take it away from you in time to come. so much for toning up cos aging will eventually just make your body saggy. no more Rapunzel Rapunzel let you hair down, more like a shiny shiny bald spot let me polish your head.

and i believe the list goes one.

so days back, my mum suddenly mentioned in chinese that she felt,
"lao chou."

when i asked her what that meant, she told me, that she felt ugly due to being old.

initially, i was laughing at her creation of such a word and found it hilarious since she often praised herself of being damn damn pretty when she was young. so when i questioned her about that, she told me.

"precisely cos i was damn pretty in the past. the drastic change caused me to feel 'lao chou'. "

yes shamelessness on her side. but that kinda got me thinking, aging.

cruel, isnt it?

damn i better cherish my youthful days. cos im pretty sure one day, i'll start feeling 'lao chou' too.

1:11 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

words, beautiful yet harsh, helpful yet harmful. once spoken, cannot be retrieved.

oh goddddddd i so feel like eating cold crabs now freako!!!!!!! think of the pincers goodness the thick and juicy flesh there for me to rip them off.

ahhhhhhhh cravings!

k! so i have decided to go for something different and not stick to the same few drinks each time i head to bucks. some lame aim of mine is to try every single drink on the menu from now onwards. hahahaha its abit stupid but ah whatever.

so first up was hot Passion tea for today.

$3.50 for a tall size. something more budget. k budget is the wrong word cos who the hell thats on a budget goes to starbucks for a drink. more of a cheaper drink on the menu as compared to the others.

conclusion is,
Passion tea tastes much nicer cold. and never go for the Grande size for this drink. cos the tea tasted far too concentrated due to the extra sachet they added.

next drink: whatever is first on the menu.

caramel latte or frap shall take the back seat for now!

im seeing how long i can last. HAH!

12:19 AM

Friday, December 25, 2009

i used to be damn hyped up and excited about christmas. so much so that i can actually be up the whole night waiting for christmas to arrive.

now, its 3am in the morning, exactly christmas day. yet, i dont feel anything.

not only christmas actually. 7th sept has too lost all its excitement and anticipation i used to have.

shucks. are these signs of growing up?
or is it just me?

STILL, im glad christmas and stuffs like that come with a public holiday!!!

HAHAHAHHAAHA i guess thats what im looking forward to now.
no school, late nights, late mornings.
that IS life for now :)

ah stupid cats doing their thannnnng in the middle of the night. moaning and groaning so loudly i cant sleep!! cant they just keep it low and discreet must they let the whole neighbourhood know?!

3:02 AM

Sunday, December 13, 2009

i cant get through a day without sneezing. one of the best invention is tissue paper really. without it, i'll suffer. like BIG TIME.

not like i am suffering from some flu. i mean how can i possibly have flu every single day. besides morning sinus is only, in the morning right. all i can say is, this sneezing thing is in my blood.

good thing is, i am like used to it. k shit is that even a good thing?

1:40 AM